Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rock On

We finally got the rocks in to complete the Tucson house backyard landscaping. We'll add some plants when we get a watering system installed, but it's done for now.

Ten tons of rocks were delivered which had to be transported to the backyard and spread around more or less evenly.

Half way through the job, striking the American Gothic pose with Kevin.

It's done.

Close up of rocks next to pavers and the larger edge rocks I scavenged from our back half acre beyond the view fencing.

From a lizard's viewpoint.

Now that I'm back in Utah, I'm trying to catch up on my blogs from everything that was going on that busy last week in Tucson. This is my second blog post for the day, so don't miss the other new one! I knew it would be cooler in Utah than in Tucson, but what's up with all this rain in Utah?

Blessing Day

A few fun photos from Baby L's Blessing Day.
The family with Yaya, Pampa and Uncle Ryan.

Visitors from Phoenix: Jeff, Joanna and Jill with the baby.
Thanks for coming down! Great to see all of you!

The cute mom with the cute baby.
Notice the beautiful baby dress Caroline's mom made.

Can you believe that out of all the many pictures we took of their family, this was the best one?
When you have four active kids, it's hard to get everyone to hold still and look at the camera.
Say cheeeeeeese. . .

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Memorial Day Activity!

Kevin's family had outgrown their house, so they found a new house with more room inside and out! The moving day was Memorial Day.

The truck ready to pack up at the old house, with some helpers including Ryan.

The packed garage at the old house shows only a fraction of what needed to be moved.

All four kids on the last day at their old house.

Filling up every last inch.

Can they get the door closed? . . . yes

Truck driver wannabe.

The truck arrives at the new house.

After all that moving, a dip in the pool at the new house sounds good!

Their new house is less than a mile from our house, a 15 minute walk on paved streets or a short 8 minute walk over open desert trails behind the houses. Great location!