You have to admit, for children under the age of 5 who don't like strangers to begin with, a guy in a red suit with a funny beard and hat can be rather . . . terrifying.
But, for some reason we think it's cute to sit them on Santa's lap and take a picture anyway.
Here's what happened at the church Christmas party Saturday night.
One year old was screaming.

Even giving her a candy cane did not improve the situation.

Three year old wanted an even quicker getaway.

Five year old was fine with Santa and even smiled and talked to him. Unfortunately, my camera malfunctioned at that moment (grrrr) and I have no picture. However, this post-Santa-visit photo of his reaction to the candy cane is somewhat humorous. I guess he thought he would get something more substantial from Santa.

He didn't say this, but his expression says:
"I sat on Santa's lap and all I got was this little candy cane?"