Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Nice View and Dolphins Too

 Aloha!  Spent some time in Hawaii.  Most time was spent at work, but had some after-work and weekend time to enjoy the sun and beaches.  Nice hotel, great view of the ocean.

 Nice sunsets too!  Yes, I took this photo right in front of the hotel.

 Out at the Aviation Museum at Pearl Harbor.  Could this be the next project?

 King Kamehameha.  What would he think of Honolulu now?

 Waikiki from the top of Diamond Head.  The pink hotel, the Royal Hawaiian looks so small next to all the other hotels. I think there's a photo of my grandma in front of this pink hotel back around 1920.  Its still a beautiful hotel and has the traditional Hawaiian feel to it. 

 We went sailing on a nice catamaran which took off from the beach at Waikiki.


The boat went out past this light house.

 We saw some dolphins.  So cool to see them swim around the boat!
No.  These are not sharks.  Just dolphins.

Aloha!  Mahalo!

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