Saturday, December 28, 2013

Announcing: Number 8

Arriving a few days ahead of schedule,
but at least waiting until a few days after Christmas  - grandchild #8.
Born Dec 27.  7 pounds 6 ounces

This is #5 for Kevin & Caroline.

His name is Caden Preston.
Another C name to go with the older C boys.
Keeping up the family tradition, Preston was my dad's middle name and is the middle name or first name of many boys in my extended family.  What a great family! 


Janelle said...

how exciting! I love the name Caden. That pregnancy went really fast for me since I found out about it a week or so ago!

Carolyn said...

Looks like everyone is doing well. He is lucky to be born into such a good family. They all look good.